Thursday, December 27, 2007

Garrison Keillor's Writers Almanac: "What My Father Believed"

Garrison Keillor's reading of my poem "What My Father Believed" from my book Lightning and Ashes is now available at the Writers Almanac site:

This poem talks about my father's faith, how he learned about God in Poland as a child, and how his faith sustained him in the concentration camps in Nazi Germany.


Cyn Huddleston said...

The last two lines are IT. So many things about an authentic Christian life seem so...well, some way. Like leaving a good fellow hanging or taking it on the other cheek. I struggle with that authenticity all the time. If that poem was indeed about your father, (and people assume my poetry is 100% autobiographical all the time, though not) then he seems like the kind of guy I would want to have hung around with.

John Guzlowski said...

Hi, Cynthia, thanks for the note.

Yes, the poem's about my dad, and I tried to get him down as closely as I could. He was a man of many strengths and many weaknesses. One of the things that kept him strong was his sense of brotherhood, his sense of shared humanity.

He had suffered a lot in the camps and that stayed with him. It taught him to help people.