First, she had breast cancer and a couple of years later she had ovarian cancer. For about five years, it seemed like all of her life was surgery, radiation, and chemo-therapy.
While she was recovering from the second cancer, I wrote a poem about her experience, and it appears in my book about my parents, Lighning and Ashes.
.Recently, the poem was republished by The Survivor's Review, an online journal for and about cancer survivors.
I thought you might like to see the poem and maybe take a look at some of the other poems and stories there.
Here's the link:
John, too bad your mom and my mom never had a chance to meet on this earth. They had much in common with their particular brand of optimism.
Hi John, I read your book about six months ago, and just now found your blog through a link on Mary Biddinger's page. Having just recently lost my mother, I admire your poems about your parents and the ease (although, for you, it's not that easy, I am sure) you talk about them. I hope someday I can write about my mother with the same love and understanding that you do with your parents' stories.
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